In the Spring of 2010, a collection of popular fiction titles called Lobby Books was established at the Albany Library and it was created in order to support the libraries' Goodreads groups. As the name suggests, the collection can be found in a prominent location on the first floor of the Albany Library. Most of the titles were donated by staff members but some were bought by the Libraries after receiving suggestions from Goodreads members. The collection started with a handful of book, but now has grown to about 100 titles.Lobby Books mostly features novels but there is a growing collection of graphic novels.
The Libraries have received positive feedback from the Sage community and students love the graphic novels. Many have commented that it is great to be able to check out a book in order to escape the rigors of college life. In the Fall of 2010, a Lobby Book collection was created for the Troy Library. Both collections are still growing mostly through donations.
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